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Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package fmcna.caredata.fhir.ig.r4#1.1.9 (63 ms)

Package fmcna.caredata.fhir.ig.r4
Type StructureDefinition
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=fmcna.caredata.fhir.ig.r4@1.1.9&canonical=http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/fmc-coverage-profile
Url http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/fmc-coverage-profile
Version 1.1.8
Status active
Name FreseniusCoverage
Title Fresenius Insurance Coverage Profile
Experimental False
Description Fresenius Insurance Coverage Profile
Type Coverage
Kind resource

Resources that use this resource

No resources found

Resources that this resource uses

http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-coverage US Core Coverage Profile
http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/fmc-fin-clearance-extn Extension: Fresenius financial clearance Extension
http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/fmc-patient-profile Fresenius Patient Profile
http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/fmc-tpa-code-extn Extension: Fresenius TPA Code Extension
http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/ValueSet/fmc-coverage-type-vs Fresenius Coverage Type Value Set
http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/ValueSet/fmc-specific-identifier-type-vs Fresenius Identifier Type Value Set
http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/ValueSet/fmc-subscriber-relationship-vs Fresenius Subscriber Policy holder relationship Value Set


  "resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
  "id" : "fmc-coverage-profile",
  "url" : "http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/fmc-coverage-profile",
  "version" : "1.1.8",
  "name" : "FreseniusCoverage",
  "title" : "Fresenius Insurance Coverage Profile",
  "status" : "active",
  "description" : "Fresenius Insurance Coverage Profile",
  "fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
  "mapping" : [
      "identity" : "workflow",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/workflow",
      "name" : "Workflow Pattern"
      "identity" : "rim",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/v3",
      "name" : "RIM Mapping"
      "identity" : "w5",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/fivews",
      "name" : "FiveWs Pattern Mapping"
      "identity" : "cdanetv4",
      "uri" : "http://www.cda-adc.ca/en/services/cdanet/",
      "name" : "Canadian Dental Association eclaims standard"
      "identity" : "v2",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/v2",
      "name" : "HL7 v2 Mapping"
      "identity" : "cpha3pharm",
      "uri" : "http://www.pharmacists.ca/",
      "name" : "Canadian Pharmacy Associaiton eclaims standard"
  "kind" : "resource",
  "abstract" : false,
  "type" : "Coverage",
  "baseDefinition" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-coverage",
  "derivation" : "constraint",
  "differential" : {
    "element" : [
        "id" : "Coverage.extension",
        "path" : "Coverage.extension",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "url"
          "rules" : "open"
        "id" : "Coverage.extension:finClearance",
        "path" : "Coverage.extension",
        "sliceName" : "finClearance",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Coverage.extension:tpaCode",
        "path" : "Coverage.extension",
        "sliceName" : "tpaCode",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Coverage.identifier:PMOIdentifier",
        "path" : "Coverage.identifier",
        "sliceName" : "PMOIdentifier",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Coverage.identifier:PMOIdentifier.type",
        "path" : "Coverage.identifier.type",
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/ValueSet/fmc-specific-identifier-type-vs"
        "id" : "Coverage.identifier:PMOIdentifier.system",
        "path" : "Coverage.identifier.system",
        "patternUri" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.3.7418.26.2"
        "id" : "Coverage.type",
        "path" : "Coverage.type",
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/ValueSet/fmc-coverage-type-vs"
        "id" : "Coverage.beneficiary",
        "path" : "Coverage.beneficiary",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "id" : "Coverage.relationship",
        "path" : "Coverage.relationship",
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "http://fkcfhir.org/fhir/ValueSet/fmc-subscriber-relationship-vs"
        "id" : "Coverage.class:groupingclass",
        "path" : "Coverage.class",
        "sliceName" : "groupingclass",
        "short" : "Class",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Coverage.class:groupingclass.type",
        "path" : "Coverage.class.type",
        "patternCodeableConcept" : {
          "coding" : [
              "code" : "class",
              "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/coverage-class"
        "id" : "Coverage.class:groupingclass.value",
        "path" : "Coverage.class.value",
        "short" : "Class Number",
        "comment" : "Class Number",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Coverage.class:groupingclass.name",
        "path" : "Coverage.class.name",
        "short" : "Benefit class Name",
        "comment" : "Benefit class Name",
        "mustSupport" : true
  "text" : {

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.